
Składniki (4 Porcje)

  • ½ fresh pineapple
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 50 g sugar
  • 1 cup of cream
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 small tsp. lavender blossoms
  • 1 tbsp grated coconut

Wartości odżywcze (na jedną porcję)

Kalorie335 kcal
Tłuszcz21 g
Sód35 mg
Węglowodany33 g
Białko2 g
Fosfor63 mg
Potas372 mg
Zawartość płynów155 ml


Peel the pineapple and cut into rings. Remove the central core. Dip each slice in coconut milk and then into sugar. Whip the cream, add the sugar, lavender blossoms and grated coconut to the cream and gently stir. Chill the cream.

Line the grill with foil and brush with a little soft butter. Place the pineapple slices onto the grill and grill until golden brown. Dish the pineapple rings onto plates with the coconut cream.