
Składniki (10 Porcje)

  • 1/2 banana
  • 100 g fine oat flakes
  • 2 tablespoons raisins
  • 50 g ground hazelnuts
  • 50 g ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon cream (if needed) (30 % fat)
  • 30 g desiccated coconut

Wartości odżywcze (na jedną porcję)

Kalorie141 kcal
Tłuszcz9 g
Sód2 mg
Węglowodany11 g
Białko4 g
Fosfor76 mg
Potas181 mg
Zawartość płynów7 ml


Mash the banana. Add all the other ingredients except the cream and mix to a soft, non-sticky dough. If the dough is too crumbly, you can add a tablespoon of cream to make it smoother. When the dough has the right consistency, shape walnut-sized balls and roll them in coconut flakes.
2 energy balls per person

Porady żywieniowe

Variations: This basic recipe can be easily adapted with other ingredients or roll the balls in cocoa powder