
Składniki (2 Porcje)

  • 100 g white bread (4 slices)
  • 40 ml cream, 30 % fat
  • 40 ml water
  • 4 teaspoons icing sugar
  • 2 pinch cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or essence
  • 1 egg
  • 20 g butter
  • Maple sirup or melted butter to sprinkle on top

Wartości odżywcze (na jedną porcję)

Kalorie390 kcal
Tłuszcz20 g
Sód354 mg
Węglowodany45 g
Białko9 g
Fosfor128 mg
Potas164 mg
Zawartość płynów57 ml


Cut the crusts off the bread. Add the cream, water, icing sugar, cinnamon and vanilla sugar or essence to a deep plate and mix well. Add the egg and whisk. Dip the bread into the egg-milk mixture and soak for a few minutes. Melt the butter in a pan. Cook the bread slices at a low heat for 3-5 minutes until golden brown. Please note that the toast will get crispier the longer you cook it. Sprinkle the French toast with maple syrup or melted butter.

Porady żywieniowe

French toast can also be prepared as a savoury snack. Use the same ingredients, but without the icing sugar, cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Place ham and cheese or mozzarella and tomato slices between two slices of french toast. It also tastes great with grilled mushrooms or crispy bacon.