
Składniki (4 Porcje)

Herb salmon fillet:

  • 200 g salmon fillet
  • 50 ml melted butter
  • 2 filo pastry sheets
  • herbs according to taste: thyme, rosemary, dill, etc.

To garnish:

  • 4 cocktail tomatoes and a small bunch of watercress

Sautéed rocket salad:

  • 1 cup rocket
  • Olive oil for sautéing

Dijon mustard vinaigrette:

  • 20 ml balsamic vinegar
  • 30 ml olive oil, cold pressed
  • 30 ml rapaseed (canola) oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon coarde Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 onion (30 g)
  • 1/2 clove garlic
  • pepper

Wartości odżywcze (na jedną porcję)

Kalorie470 kcal
Tłuszcz40 g
Sód169 mg
Węglowodany13 g
Białko14 g
Fosfor175 mg
Potas524 mg
Zawartość płynów143 ml


Herb salmon fillet:
Wash and drip-dry the salmon. Halve each filo pastry sheet. Divide the fish into quarters, place on the pastry and lightly brush with olive oil. Chop the chosen herbs and sprinkle over. Envelop the fillet in the pastry and brush the seams and top with melted butter to prevent it from drying out. Cover the baking tray with baking parchment paper (not wax paper!). Place the pastry parcels on the paper and bake at 175°C for approx. 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
Sautéed rocket salad:
Wash the rocket and allow to drip-dry well. Heat the olive oil in a pan and sauté the rocket. Season to taste.
Dijon mustard vinaigrette:
Peel and finely dice the onions. Mix the honey, vinegar and mustard using an immersion blender and slowly add the oil. Season the resulting liquid mixture. Add the chopped garlic and diced onion and mix well.
To serve:
Prepare a bed of sautéd rocket on the plate and drizzle with vinaigrette. Place a salmon pastry "package" on top. Garnish with a cocktail tomato and watercress.

Porady żywieniowe

If you are entertaining guests, you can prepare the herb salmon fillets the day before and store them in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.