
Składniki (4 Porcje)

Semolina soufflé

  • 250 ml Water-cream mixture (100 ml cream (30 % fat) + 150 ml water)
  • 20 g Butter
  • 50 g Semolina Zest of an untreated orange (grated)
  • 2 Egg yolks
  • 1 Egg
  • 5 Egg whites
  • 70 g Sugar

Rhubarb blood orange compote

  • 200 g Rhubarb
  • 35g Gelling sugar (1:2)
  • 1 Ginger root
  • 1 Vanilla pod
  • 1 Blood orange

Wartości odżywcze (na jedną porcję)

Kalorie369 kcal
Tłuszcz17 g
Sód114 mg
Węglowodany32 g
Białko12 g
Fosfor149 mg
Potas343 mg
Zawartość płynów198 ml


Bring the water-cream mixture and butter to the boil. Boil down to a paste with the semolina.
Add the orange zest and gradually stir in the egg yolk and the egg. Whip the egg whites with the sugar to ice snow and gently fold into the semolina mixture. Butter and sugar the soufflé forms, then fill to 2/3 with the soufflé mixture. In a water bath, bake in the oven at 180 ° C for approx. 12 minutes.

Wash the rhubarb and cut into small pieces. Sprinkle over with gelling sugar and draw juice. Peel and finely dice ginger and add to the rhubarb along with the lengthwise halved vanilla pod. Bring it all to the boil, allow to cook for approx. 1 minute before adding the segmented orange along with the collected juice, stir carefully.